#feelingofBeing"Holded" by HER

+Sujit Kumar Lucky

+Angela Saini

+Devesh Sharma

+Gagan Mani

+Mayank Singhania

+Aparna Ray

+shobhit yadav

+ShKhaled Rose

+Ankit Vijay

+Travis Ford

+Durjoy Datta

+Ankit Sanadhya

+Gurcharn Dass

In those dark hours I was declining in 'pain' terribly,i became so powerless that I could not able to make a move by my own.
I was masking each thing that was going inside me,and started acting 'artificial',but deep inside I was burning in pain.
I was able to carry off  my pleasant mode,to make my forbears believe the same.
But that night I was so grieved in that illness,that I started rolling on to the mattress terrifically.
And on the spur of that moment , unexpectedly someone unlocked the door of my room."she"moved towards me,and postured herself next to me.
She placed her palm on my head and started gazing me,tear rolled out of my eye ,as she was alone who captured me in that 'soreness'.
"I folded myself into her lap"
But in that darkness I felt she was drowning with me,and mocking that she is still stronger.
On the following day 'she' took me to the healer,but seeing her "tiny one"at declining stage couldn't resist herself from shedding tears.
'She' was also living the  pain  which' I ' was undergoing ,and started drowning and why not?
Afterall she was seeing her "little darling" lying on the bed of that emergency room.
And the moment the attendant bought me out of that 'intensive care room'
She '"hugged" me in such a way as if she has delivered me once again.
At that flash of time  I realized how would " MY MOMMY" have 'holded' me when
 "I was born"...


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